More is Possible


When you believe in the average prognosis for someone with your diagnosis, you're limiting yourself from becoming exceptional. You're discounting the possibility of learning radical healing. Radical healing sounds so esoteric, but it's comprised of basic building blocks that anyone with the willingness to put in the time and consistent effort can learn.

It begins by changing our understanding of how disease forms. We can move from being victimized by the illnesses that happen to us to realizing that, even in genetic circumstances, disease-forming genes are turned on and immune-enhancing genes are down-regulated by adaptations to life circumstances, unmet needs, incongruences in our energy body, high levels of suppressed emotional material, and disconnection from self.

When we look at disease as emanating from our life experience, then, as we change our life experience, we can, in some ways, undo the past. We can choose a different route through our maze and walk in a new direction. We can train the body into an alternative experience. .

I know, from personal experience, that it’s scary to even contemplate believing in what I’m writing. If you find the courage to open the door and step out of the known medical model, then where do you step? How do you know who to trust? These are big questions that often prevent people from believing in radical healing.

And yet, without faith in our wholeness, we can’t find full healing. Let’s open this conversation. If you are struggling with any aspect of your well-being, how open are you to stepping outside the box of known medical treatments? What support would you need to believe that more is possible for your healing? How can I help you take the first step into believing in the tremendous power you have within you to heal?


Healing happens in slow time


Your Body-Mind Isn’t Failing You