Your Body-Mind Isn’t Failing You


If you’re sick or in mental or physical pain, your body-mind isn’t failing you. I know it can seem that way when you’re struggling but your body-mind is doing the best it can given the past and current stressors in your life.

Often life demands more of us that we can handle. Stressors come from such a broad range of inputs – environmental, relational, emotional, physical, genetic, etc. The struggles and dis-ease you face are not your fault, even if you feel you didn’t make the best choices at any point.

We can only play the hand we’re dealt and, for most people, that comes with many unmet needs, weaknesses and susceptibilities. Most people minimize the impact of these stressors on their growth, development and well-being.

Wherever you find yourself, begin with self-compassion. For most of us, healing and consistent self-care is quite elusive and, try as we may, it tends to be a start and stop process. That’s normal and it’s not a reason to judge yourself. Many things get in the way, even once you’re ready and able to commit to healing.

If you’re living your life, attending to your responsibilities and carving out as much time as you can for self-care, what more can you ask of yourself? I know I’ve asked much more of myself and been self-critical when I didn’t heal as quickly as I hoped to or as other people did. Ultimately, I’ve had to be reminded, repeatedly, that judging myself doesn’t help my situation. In fact, it always makes it worse.

Being kind, accepting and patient with our body-mind is not a small task, but it is a huge factor in accessing the peace of mind that ultimately contributes most to our healing.

Where can you be more patient, accepting and gentle with yourself as you travel your unique healing path?


More is Possible


Embodied healing can be overwhelming. Here are a few simple ways you can start today.