Embodied healing can be overwhelming. Here are a few simple ways you can start today.


A lot of what I write about embodied healing may be overwhelming if you are struggling to manage daily life. Just the thought of ‘uncovering the inner matrix that your dis-ease is resting on’ might dissuade you from starting.

So, let’s break it down to some simple things that are well within your reach. Choose one commitment to your self-care that you can put into place for the next 21 days. Small steps can be powerful.

1. Give yourself a healthy bedtime and commit to unwinding and then going to sleep at that time every night.

2. Make one fresh meal a day with wholesome ingredients and enough leftovers for tomorrow.

3. Question your thoughts and emotions. When you feel any negative emotion or thought, stop and consider that you may be reacting in a habitual way, the only way your body-mind knows.

4. Take a 15-minute power rest in the afternoon or after you get home from work. Lie on your back, put pillows under your knees, cover your eyes and give yourself time for a deep rest, ideally not asleep.

5. Meditate for 5-7 minutes before bed or when you wake up. Use a guided meditation or simply breathe, relax and give yourself those minutes to be present.

6. Do something creative every day, even if it’s only for 10-15 minutes. Journal, draw, paint, play music, whatever moves you.

Many people who have asked me how these things will make a difference. People want big solutions to their problems. None of these commitments are big solutions but each of them contributes to balancing your body/mind. A vast degree of illness is caused by stress overload to the point that the body-mind breaks down.

There are many ways of repairing an overloaded system. One essential way is learning to care for ourselves and nurture ourselves back to wholeness.


Your Body-Mind Isn’t Failing You


Victim-thinking has its place