Homeopathy supports re-wiring the patterns of childhood trauma responses


Healing childhood trauma is a multi-faceted journey. It can be approached in many ways. Therapy is most common. Some people use anti-anxiety or anti-depressants meds. Few people think of homeopathy as a support for trauma healing but it’s a great adjunct to your therapy work.


In terms of remedies, you may have heard of aconite for sudden fear and shock or ignatia for intense emotional states. To work with trauma, you need treatment that is customized to you. Everybody reacts to trauma in a different way. Homeopaths take a lot of time and care to understand how trauma has affected the individual so they can prescribe remedies that support growth and healing.


I wish I had a magic bullet that could take the trauma away. Unfortunately, that doesn’t exist but as you walk your healing path, the right remedies can make the road feel much less scary and overwhelming.


When the body revolts, will you hear its cry?
