Homeopathy can support the creation of healthy boundaries


People with healthy boundaries know their limits. They know when and how to say, “No”. They know when to rest, when to exercise and how much to work. They know how much ice cream their body can tolerate. It short, they know how to take care of themselves. Nobody gets it perfect all the time but healthy boundaries go a long way to creating good self-care.


So what about the people who don’t learn from their experiences and continue to act self destructively? They may eat in ways that hurt the body or engage in relationships that cause emotional pain or overwork or under sleep or whatever their particular vice may be. How is homeopathy useful in those circumstances?


Homeopathy works at the intersection of mind and body. Remedies are prescribed for the whole person, which includes the tendencies to self-destructive behavior or lack of boundaries. It even includes the pain that underlies the tendency to numb oneself in particular ways. Homeopaths explore deeply. We take time to get to know our patients and to understand them in the context of their whole life story.


I’m not implying that a homeopathic remedy can magically give you the boundaries you lack but it can support you in making the shifts necessary to take care of yourself differently.


You know your symptoms aren’t really what’s wrong, right?


We don’t know our boundaries until we meet them