How do you tolerate the unknown in your healing?

If you’ve been working to heal a chronic struggle, you know how challenging it can be. Going to doctors and therapists, figuring out whose opinion to trust, whose plan to follow. It can be so overwhelming and discouraging when you truly don’t know how you’re going to heal.

The unknown is so intolerable that most people choose to suppress it because that seems like the only way of managing. Eventually the damn breaks and the body can’t contain so much suppressed pain. That’s usually when people get sick enough or tired enough of their struggle to prioritize searching for a different kind of healing.

It isn’t that healing wasn’t desired earlier, it’s just that most people don’t have access to the right kind of support. Most people don’t know how to heal. How would they? Most of the mainstream treatments that are offered are suppressive in nature. Anti-depressants for depression, anti-inflammatory for pain, sleeping pills for insomnia etc. These drugs suppress the symptoms so people can function which may be what’s needed sometimes but they don’t cure the underlying imbalance.

So, what do you do if you discover that the suppression either isn’t working or isn’t making you happy? Most people reach out in many directions, looking for someone with different answers. Some degree of exploration makes sense. If you’re searching outside the system you know, you need to discover what else resonates with you.

My suggestion is to focus on techniques, therapies and philosophies that teach you how to help yourself. It’s not that you won’t need practitioners to support you, you likely will. It’s that you need to move from a place of trust, not fear, in the center of your own quest.

How can we trust when there’s so much unknown and nobody can tell us if or how we’ll be well? That’s the key philosophical question that’s at the heart of healing. It’s where medicine and spirituality merge. Within each of us, there’s a peaceful whole place, even if the body/mind is struggling in many ways. Find that place, it will guide you.



How much have you changed in the past 20 years?


The pain people can handle and the pain they cannot