100% certainty that your health condition must be how it is?


There are certain conditions from which we can’t heal and there’s no disputing it, it’s black and white. Consider a basic example of an amputated finger. If your finger were amputated in a factory accident, there is one hundred percent certainty, according to the laws of nature that your finger will not regrow. Some people might argue that you can release the trauma of the accident and find peace with your new shorter finger and that could qualify for healing but from a purely physical standpoint, it’s absolute.

Despite common perception, most health conditions don’t carry the weight of that certainty. There are exceptional patients who have healed from extreme diseases, even degenerative conditions. Others may not have healed completely but have slowed down the rate of decline and lived well for much longer than expected.

So how do you become an exceptional patient? That’s a big question. Here’s a list of some ideas to get you thinking.

Believe in your wholeness and the possibility of healing despite all physical evidence to the contrary. People who accept their diagnosis and prognosis as truth don’t heal beyond it. Stay tuned for future posts on how to cultivate and sustain this belief.

Explore the emotional component of your condition. Virtually all chronic conditions have an emotional component that becomes imbedded into the symptoms and can become an obstacle to cure.

With your health practitioner, explore whether your current symptoms are resting into a grove of weakness created by a previous condition, injury or illness.

Build your health team with practitioners who have a broad ranger of skills:

Conventional medicine and related specialists for screening and pharma options.

Functional or naturopathic medicine for a deeper exploration of cause as well as holistic diet and supplement support .

Homeopath or TCM for energetic reprogramming and stimulation to a new way of responding to and holding stress.

Body-work from an osteopath, chiropractor, massage therapist.

Physical therapy support from a physiotherapist, trainer, yoga teacher.

Mindfulness, prayer, visualization support.

Emotional support from a therapist, reiki practitioner, healing group

If you can’t say with total certainty that it’s impossible for you to heal from you condition, then choose to believe the inverse. I know it’s scary to cultivate hope that might be crushed but I’ve seen amazing healing happen. The first step is broadening your definition of what’s possible.

Are you willing to try?

RELATED READING: https://lissarankin.com/you-can-heal-yourself-but-you-cant-heal-yourself-alone/


In chronic disease, the mental & emotional symptoms wrap themselves around the physical symptoms creating a tight knot that takes more than positive thinking to unwind.  


Are you suffering from the delusion of the instant cure?