Therapy isn’t something you should dread. It can be nurturing, loving and affirming not just gut wrenching


Have you dismissed going for more therapy because you believe it is too taxing?

Does the prospect of dealing with your emotional mess feel like more work than reward?

While it’s true that it takes effort to lift the veil and see ourselves as we actually are, it should feel worth it. I can’t promise that the relief will be immediate. Sometimes we have to tolerate some chaos in order to change.

The real question is where are you turning for support if your inner chaos feels overwhelming? Too often we distract ourselves and don’t take the time to explore and feel-into what’s really going on. Why is this mundane event so triggering? What part of us is having this reaction? What does that inner part really need? How can we hold ourselves so our past unmet need doesn’t spill into our current relationships?

Imagine if all of those inquires were made through your breath and your body instead of just through the mind. We can think ourselves in circles and keep repeating the same triggers even though we understand why it is happening.

Somatic therapy is oriented differently. We are meeting in presence to feel ourselves as we are in the moment. If the past is bleeding into the present, it will show up in the body. As we engage our witness to watch ourselves, memories may emerge, energy may be unblocked. Learning to hold space for oneself in a present, attuned way is profoundly healing.  

Have questions? Ask in the comments or use the ‘book now’ button to schedule a free intro consult. Sessions are available in person in Dundas, Ontario or by skype.


Are your circling back through the same issues again and again?


Sick of talk-based therapy? You can access your emotional material through your body