Rest Into What You Know


The books, videos and posts that I value most, mirror something that part of me already knows. I may not be in touch with that knowing and so the gentle guide is inspiring. I appreciate being reminded to believe in myself when I have lost my confidence, to be gentle when I’m too critical, to be accepting when I’m too judgmental etc.

I’ve noticed a personal edge that I’d like to share because maybe some of you have similar experiences. After a certain threshold of reading inspirational social media posts or self-help books, they become off-putting to me. That’s when I know that I need to rest into what I know.

At that point, I need to connect what I’ve read with what I feel within when I get still. It’s in the stillness that whatever stimulated my mind gets absorbed into my being. My mind will carry on doubting, criticizing and bossing me around, even if I read inspiration material that advocates otherwise, until I come back to my heart. For me, that heart-opening integration happens in meditation but I know people have different ways.

How are you navigating the plethora of inspirational and educational material? How are you digesting it into your being-ness?


The Only Person Who Can Heal You is YOU


Rest Into What You Know