The Only Person Who Can Heal You is YOU


If you have a chronic illness or a desire to heal in any way, I suspect you’ve been to a lot of practitioners, right? Have you been looking for someone that understands your condition and has experience treating something similar so he/she should know what to do?

I’ve certainly spent a lot of time in medical offices in my life. Every kind of medical office in fact, MDs, NDs, homeopaths, osteopaths, chiropractors, massage therapists, therapists, energy workers, etc. My list is long. Some of those practitioners helped me tremendously and others not at all. The results depended on many factors. The most significant factor was who held the responsibility.

There were some practitioners who told me they could make me better. They had lofty promises that never panned out. The ones whose help I value had a different approach. They offered their skill and experience and used it to support me in helping myself.

When I felt involved, the treatment had more impact. Sometimes the involvement was simply consenting to the treatment on a moment-by-moment basis. Consider a massage as the simplest example. Does the therapist go into the session with a set plan of how to give a one-hour treatment or does she ask the client what feel needed and then check-in if she has a different sense during the session?

The massage example extrapolates to many other medical treatments. No two people are the same so medicine needs to be customize as much as possible. It’s up to each of us to untangle the web of symptoms that have accumulated into whatever dis-eases we’ve been labelled with. Most of us can’t untangle that web on our own because we lack objectivity about ourselves.

Definitely seek support for whatever you are trying to heal but remember that it’s you that is ultimately responsible and capable of healing yourself.

Make sense?


Sick of talk-based therapy? You can access your emotional material through your body


Rest Into What You Know