
Chanting a mantra is a form of vibrational medicine, It will subtly, yet profoundly change how you feel, how you think and what you are aware of. .

I find 11 minutes a doable time frame - short enough that I can commit to it before bed and long enough that I can really feel the impact of the mantra on my being. You can still see benefits from a shorter chant but the longer you chant, the more impact it will have.


My favourite before bed mantra is "Wahe guru, wahe guru, wahe guru wahe jio". When I chant this mantra, it helps put me in right relationship with all aspect of my being. It bring me back to gratitude for the things that matter. It helps me release irritation and frustration and just rest in the Grace that surrounds me.


When one family member heals the benefits cascade through the household


Families form a matrix