When one family member heals the benefits cascade through the household


When someone in the family makes a big shift in his/her health, the benefits help everyone else too. Poor health has a dragging-like quality and when it lifts, there is more space to connect and to thrive.


For example, let’s say the mom takes a well-chosen homeopathic remedy, the dynamics will shift with everyone. Mom may have less pain in her body/mind, which will make her more patient and light-hearted. The kids will be brighter and there may be more ‘bandwidth’ for her to connect with her husband/partner.


Actually, in my experience, mom’s health is central to the happiness and functioning of the whole household. Moms do so much to take care of everyone else (not that dads don’t too). When mothers prioritize their self-care, it seems to oil the engine of the family and everything just works better.




The 20 minutes today to be fully present with your child
