The 20 minutes today to be fully present with your child


How often to do you put away your phone and other distractions and be fully present with your child? I spend a lot of time with my kids but it’s pretty easy for that time to be consumed with taking care of them and life and not really playing. It’s finally obvious to me that my kids fill their ‘mommy tank’ when I connect with them in their world.


Children live in a vastly different reality than adults, one with bountiful imagination and timeless wonder. They want to share their world with us and welcome anyone who is genuinely curious, non-directive and present.


Making time to be led by a child in his/her play can be healing for everyone. The child feels seen, which is essential to health, and the adults can get drawn out of their heads into the wonder.

I find that playing structured games and sports create connection but not to the same level as unstructured child-led time together. The need doesn’t end when the kids get older. In fact, teens need that time just as much. It’s just harder to access them.


So take some time, let go of your agenda and BE with your kids. Even twenty minutes will make a difference. Comment to let me know how it goes. I'm just amazed by how many difficulties can be resolved with quality time together.


Homeopathy supports children's developmental stages


When one family member heals the benefits cascade through the household