Homeopathy supports children's developmental stages


“That mine!” - followed by a tantrum. Well, that’s just terrible two’s.

“Your not the boss of me!” – followed by throwing and stomping. Well, that kid is 6-7.

Eye rolling, deep sighs and general lack of cooperation – Pre-teen or young teen, that’s to be expected.


It’s expected because it is common, not because it has to be that way. When kids are acting out, yes, they are moving through their developmental stages but it doesn’t have to cause havoc in the household.


We forget how much energy it takes kids when they are going through a change. At every turn, things can be rough until kids find a new equilibrium.


Of course try good parenting first. Make more time to be present with that child, schedule more downtown for the parents and the kids, prioritize sleep for everyone, serve adequate protein and green veggies, be gentle and compassionate even when you don’t like the behavior, set clear boundaries, etc.


When common sense parenting is in place and there is still a struggle, think of homeopathy. I call my family’s homeopath with my kids once a month. Most of the time, the support is emotional, with some physical symptoms used to help find the best remedy. I’m using the remedies to support their stress levels. The truth is that things work best when the parents are getting support too. I hate to be sexist but it seems that the mom’s state affects the kids the most. So when mother and children have good remedies, everybody functions better and those impossible development stages pass without so much fuss.


I wish I could tell you how to access those remedies at home. There are some things you can do with homeopathy for acute care yourself (I will post more this fall), but this type of constitutional care is so person specific, you need a homeopath to help you.



The 20 minutes today to be fully present with your child