We need mindfullness to protect against COVID-19


Right now, mindfulness practices of every kind are essential to your day. Contraction is a natural response to fear, but it inhibits your immune system.

We can’t push our way through this epidemic. To stay strong, we must stay calm, which is easier said than done.

Let’s accept that we’re all dealing with a heightened level of stress right now. It follows that all of us need to make time to release this tension. Don’t assume that it will fall away naturally. You actually need to feel it, move it and release it.

Think of anxiety as extra energy that’s trapped in your body. You need to release it with your breath or with movement so you can come stay strong.

Here are some easy ways you can start releasing your anxiety today.

• Turn on some music and shake your whole body for at least five minutes (assuming you have no contraindicated medical conditions).

• Dance around your house to your favourite tune.

• Run up and down the stairs in your home 10 times. As you go down say, “Ahhhh” on your exhale.

• Sitting on a chair, wiggle your fingers and toes while breathing deeply. Bend forward and tap both hands on your legs moving from your feet up to your thighs and back down.

After any of these techniques, sit quietly for an additional 5-10 minutes and just breathe. Repeat to yourself as you inhale, “I am breathing in” and as you exhale, “I am breathing out”.

Feel the fullness within you when you take a full inhale. Let that feeling of fullness nourish you. You may need to remind yourself that, “In this moment, I am safe”.

In reality, we need these practices to stay healthy all the time. COVID is giving people the imputes to make mindfulness practices a priority.

Join me in the FB group, Presence Heals for regular live meditations. Join a community of people who are using consciousness to stay balanced, even in difficult times.


Uncover the symptoms beneath your symptoms


During COVID-19 frenzy, practive grounding and coming back to yourself