Uncover the symptoms beneath your symptoms


The Coronavirus is asking us to take more care. You may find that your body is extra chatty these days. It may be expressing the collective stress and the additional burden in many ways. Before you suppress your symptoms, please take extra time to listen to them.

Normally, when we have any symptoms in our bodies, we go to doctors to ‘see what is wrong’, which is a logical first step. We should make use of all the medical knowledge and screening that’s available to us.

At the same time, it’s important to look within to feel what is happening under the symptoms that are presenting. Many of you might resist that suggestion. Most people don’t know how to feel themselves in that way.

It isn’t as hard as it seems. In fact, I have worked with pure beginners who are able to open into a level of body-sensing that would seem highly advanced.

The first step is letting go of any judgements about the absurdity of the body talking. It doesn’t talk in the way you hear a friend talking but if you spend time asking the part that’s hurting what is going on, you may be surprised what you uncover.


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We need mindfullness to protect against COVID-19