When you know your suppressed emotions are aggravating your illness, what do you do about it?


It can be quite confounding to figure out how to process and release emotions that have become suppressed and held in our tissues. There are many options and ultimately, you need to find the one that resonates most for you.

From my perspective, the first step is acknowledging that your undigested emotional material lives in your tissues and weaves its way into your weakest link. Once you own this truth, you need to develop embodied practices for your inner exploration.

I know that sounds complicated. It doesn’t have to be.

Rather than contemplating, analyzing and searching for answers in your mind, shift to looking, sensing and feeling your body for tensions and blocked energy flow.

Begin with basic meditation to increase your body awareness, connect you with your breath and develop your witness consciousness.

Once you can still your mind to a slow vibration and hold multiple levels of self-awareness at the same time, you’re ready to do embodied healing. You’re ready to:

·      feel your unmet needs through your body and hold yourself in the ways you weren’t held.

·      bear witness to your pain and meet yourself with compassion.

·      increase energy flow where it’s blocked.

·      turn on immune system enhancing genes and downregulate disease creating genes.

Wholeness exists within you, no matter how far away your body-mind has strayed. My goal is to support you in developing practices to access your wholeness.

This approach doesn’t replace other medical treatments; it works in conjunction. Give your body-mind the support you deem necessary and beneficial and then learn to work within your own awareness to find your way back to your wholeness.


True Healing Doesn’t Happen in a Box


Video: Emotional Wounds Merge Into Our Weakest Link