Do you know how to heal?

Healing is a skill. It requires a framework to understand the process and a set of tools to navigate along the passage.

Be honest with yourself, do you know how to heal? Most people don’t.

Holistic health philosophy isn’t taught in school and isn’t part of our mainstream culture. You likely agree that the mind and body are connected but does that awareness translate into actionable healing tools that you can use to transform your health and your life?

You may try yoga, meditation, healing diets, bodywork etc. which are all wonderful modalities to support your wellness but for most people there’s still a gap.

Knowing how to heal doesn’t depend on what ailment you are suffering with. Through my personal healing and my work with patients, I see that there’s a specific skill set people require to break through emotional or physical obstacles and dis-ease.

The good news is that you can learn these skills. They’re accessible to anyone with an open mind and a willingness to prioritize his/her healing. These skills require daily practice because you’ll be shifting your ways of being, opening your perceptions and tuning into subtle sensations in your body. You’ll be questioning your mind and opening to new ways of thinking. You’ll be listening within and learning to hear, nurture and trust yourself.

Here are some examples of the tools I’m talking about.

·      Beyond quieting your mind, learn to use your meditation practice to feel unmet needs in your body.

·      Learn to hold space for your wounded self without getting retraumatized.

·      Understand and witness your survivor self as it tries to protect you and prevent you from expanding and growing.

·      Orient yourself to inner listening so you can rest into what you know and intuit what you need at every step of your journey.

These are some of the skills I’m now teaching to in small group, 7-week intensives. Message me if you want to learn more.

 Most people spend all their healing energy moving from one treatment to the next. I encourage you to invest in your personal healing toolkit. There are many ways to learn and I know that you can make a huge difference in your healing.



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Life Transformation Intensive


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