Life Transformation Intensive

Do you know how to heal?

Do you have a set of tools you can rely on to chart your course through whatever ails you and holds you back?

If the answer is no, don’t worry, most people don’t.

 The good news is that you can learn and apply these tools to heal from physical or emotional ailments. Nobody can do your healing work for you, but we can prepare you for the journey. Obstacles and struggles in healing are often caused by people who are inadequately prepared and erroneously conclude that their condition can’t be overcome.

It’s like setting off to climb Mount Everest with inadequate training or gear. Of course, it’s going to be hard and you’ll have to turn back. Approach your healing differently. Make the time to prioritize your training.

1.     Understand the nature of dis-ease and how your struggles developed and persist.

2.     Work with your mind to shift your beliefs about what’s happened and what’s possible.

3.     Cultivate hope and fortify yourself for your journey into the unknown.

4.     Develop practical skills in ‘meditation-as-medicine’, body sensing and inner listening.

5.     Learn to move into your pain and change your relationship with it.

 This shift is possible. You can become exceptional at healing. I know because I’ve done it and I’ve supported others through their journeys. I’m offering you this program to ease your path. It may be right for you if:

  • You’re ready and willing to take personal responsibility for your well-being.

  • You’re willing to challenge your current beliefs about your health and learn a new framework to understand your past struggles or chronic dis-ease.

  • You believe that the mind and body are connected and you’re willing to learn specific techniques to release emotion from your tissues.

  • You’re willing to commit to 30-45 min of daily meditation for the duration of the program and make space for self-reflection.

  • You’re willing to be a conscious participant in a group, that will be your tribe as you move through this program.

 The next program starts Sunday Oct 20th and ends December 8th. The course is structured as a mix of private sessions, in-person group workshops (in Dundas Ontario), group calls, individual on-line learning, self-reflection and personal meditation. It’s designed to fit into your life. You don’t have to take time off work to participate.

Please book a complementary consult to talk about all the details and see if this program is right for you. You can read more details under the healing tab on my site, life transformation.

I look forward to talking to you.



What's your relationship with your limits?


Do you know how to heal?