What's your relationship with your limits?

Everyone I know with chronic struggles has a history of living beyond they’re personal limits. Surpassing our limits contributes to our symptoms but most of us don’t recognize the issue until the body-mind is screaming at us.

I’m notorious for having bigger plans than my body-mind can execute. Similar to someone whose eyes are bigger than her belly, my ideas are bigger than my energy can support. Even in this moment, as I write, I wonder to myself, should I really be doing this right now, or should I have called this day done? Hmmm. That’s something to sense not think about too hard.

When we can shift into a sensing way of being, we have a far greater chance of being honest with ourselves and keeping ourselves in right relationship with our body-mind.

Many people who are pursing healing are trying to expand their limits in one way or another. Wonderful. Keep doing that growth work and while you’re in the process, be honest with where you really are right now.

People who take personal responsibility for their well-being commit to living within their capacity, as it is day by day. So, for this day, I’m signing off. Wishing you well.



Why being sick isn't only a bad ride.


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