Why being sick isn't only a bad ride.

Nobody wishes or chooses to be chronically ill. By any reasonable standard, it’s a rough ride. Sometimes I think it’s worth taking a break from all the treatment plans to acknowledge one of the hidden gems you can find in healing.

When you’re forced, out of necessity, to navigate life within your limited capacity, you’ll get very good at sensing the subtly of how your body is functioning. When doing that extra errand is the difference between having a migraine or not, you’ll learn to feel in an enhanced way.

Refining your feeling sense brings additional benefits. It attunes you to the subtler aspects of nature and awakens you to facets of life other people simply don’t notice.

There’s a beauty in the way the wind blows the leaves and the ripples move in the stream. You certainly don’t need to be sick to appreciate it but I’ve noticed that people who were sick often have an enhanced appreciation for daily magic and more gratitude for the small things.


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You can still be a work in progress


What's your relationship with your limits?