You can still be a work in progress

I love kind soulful friends who encourage me to be compassionate with myself. I’m blessed to have a few such friends my life. One of them reminded me this morning that it’s quite okay to be a work in progress. I don’t have to have it all together or be fully healed in order to guide others. The fact that I’m still actively working on my own healing makes me more compassionate. I understand what people who are healing are going through.

This week, as I was recording audio modules for my course, I realized that I wasn’t heeding my own advice. I was setting an expectation for my current healing that ignored the reality of my previous health struggles. I’ve had some hard knocks in my life and I know, when I’m being honest with myself, that my present challenges rest on the energetic imprint of those past ailments. People who experienced trauma or have been chronically ill have lower resilience.

When I remember this truth, I can accept the fact that my body needs more support in order for me to work and thrive. Rather than thinking of my current need for support as a shortcoming in my healing efforts, I shifted into gratitude that I have access to such powerful natural medicine.
There’s a fine balance between expanding our belief in what’s possible and accepting the underlying reality of our health history. We can heal, grow and stretch ourselves while cultivating compassion for the history of what lives within our tissues.
#selfgrowth #chronicpain #disease #chronicillness #wellnessblogger


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