Health-Inhibiting Beliefs

How we think about what's happening in our minds or bodies has a huge impact on how we heal.

Societally, there's an orientation that disease is something that happens to us rather than something that emerges as a result of our adaptations to the total stressors of our lives. In many ways, people think of chronic diseases as though they were infectious, something you could catch or just happens..

Chronic anything doesn't just happen, it builds gradually. Healing chronic health struggles invites us to study ourselves. We need to understand where life asked more of us than we could bear and how the adaptations we made to cope with those challenges translated in our current symptom picture.

Do you resonate with any of the belief statements in this photo? Where can you see an opportunity to shift how you react and relate to your body/mind? It may take some courage to speak up about your experience but you may be surprised by how much support someone else could receiving hearing your story. .
We need a major shift in our collective medical thinking to empower people to heal.


Victim Mode vs. Empowered Living


When people don’t heal we look for physical reasons without giving adequate consideration to the life load they are carrying.