When people don’t heal we look for physical reasons without giving adequate consideration to the life load they are carrying.

Life load is a huge factor in every long-term health issue. We become acclimatized to the load we are carrying and often lose sight of how taxing it is on our mind/body. Sometimes it necessary for an outside observer to reflect to us the weight of our load in order for us to see that it’s too much.


The next question is what to do about an overburdened life. Often people are burdened with the responsibility of aging parents, a special needs child, financial stress, marital trouble etc. and there are no quick fixes to these burdens.


I find that patients often perceive they have no choice; they have become victimized by their circumstances. Part of the healing work is exploring each person’s relationship to they’re life burden. There are always ways of shifting our dynamic that may not be readily apparent because we are all acting, in part, from our wounded selves.


When our wounds are supported, we can approach our challenging relationships with renewed resilience and conscious boundaries. If we combine this type of holistic emotional work with well-targeted physical therapies, we are well equipped to heal.


On a personal level, it’s become apparent to me that my life load is too dense right now. In an attempt to make good choices and save my nervous system from overload, I’ve decided to write fewer posts this summer. If you enjoy my posts and want to stay connected, I encourage you to turn on post notifications. While I’m writing less, these posts may not show up in your feed. I wish you all rest and balance this summer. Feel free to share ways that you are consciously managing your life load. Be well!


Health-Inhibiting Beliefs


Energetic imprints from our ancestors influence our well-being