Energetic imprints from our ancestors influence our well-being

When it comes to our personal health, our focus is often what’s going on in our body in the present. Health practitioners take into consideration genetics and the diseases that run in our families, but something that’s not often given attention is how our ancestral load plays a role in our current health landscape.

What our ancestors went through generations ago leaves an imprint on our energetic systems. It might seem like something that happened before we were born is far removed from our experience today but I frequently see connections. For example, throughout my adult life I’ve experienced insomnia. Over time, I’ve tried every sleep hygiene practice available, some to greater or lesser effect, to tackle the issue. But one significant factor that all the sleep hygiene in the world could never help was the fact that three generations back, my family in Eastern Europe were being persecuted and attacked in the night. It literally wasn’t safe to sleep for fear of being ambushed. Therefore, an impression of “something bad might happen in the nighttime” or “it is dangerous to sleep” passed on via my ancestors, has been a major factor in my insomnia. This kind of ancestral knowledge offers an entirely different avenue with which to explore a stubborn health concern.

In my practice, when I understand your ancestral lineage and the trauma residue that comes from it, I can better approach your health holistically. Many health concerns have some degree of connection to our ancestral load. If you are working with a homeopathic, this knowledge can affect remedy choices. There are many modalities, such as constellation therapy, to explore on the quest to release unhook ourselves from out ancestral load. What modalities have you found effective on this quest?


When people don’t heal we look for physical reasons without giving adequate consideration to the life load they are carrying.


How does your past trauma inhibit your health today?