Victim Mode vs. Empowered Living

Everybody has bad days when their personal triggers come up. Healthy living doesn’t mean never falling apart. The objective is to have a strong bag of tool that you can use to swiftly put yourself back together.

This quote was my story from yesterday morning. I woke feeling awful, knowing I had a big day, knowing I should get up to do some practice but feeling like I couldn’t move. For a few moments I found myself in victim mode, with ‘woe is me’ thoughts. Then the stronger part of me hoisted me out of bed and into meditation to uncover what was disturbing me and figure out how to get back to myself. It worked, like it usually does for me now, because I have a process that has been refined over many years of false tries.

I’m in the early stages of breaking these techniques down into simple steps that anybody can learn. My hope is that I can aggregate my 25 years of learning into a methodology that will help you too. Whether you are chronically sick and dealing with flare-ups or generally healthy but not living your fullest life, the tool for radical healing are an excellent support.

Want to be notified when this program is launching? Link to e-course invites in my bio.

What are your go to tools when life hits you hard and you don’t feel your best?


Contracted Living vs. Empowered Living


Health-Inhibiting Beliefs