For with trauma, feeling safe is learned.

People who have endured any significant trauma live with the fear of not being safe. Even when the danger resolves, there is still fear within the psyche and it can be challenging to find peace.

I know there are therapies that promise to quickly relieve you of all your fear but I’m skeptical. It hasn’t been my experience in my own healing or in my work with patients that we can dissolve trauma-based fear in any one moment. It releases slowly, layer by layer as we build and strengthen the part of us that feels safe.

Ultimately, the part of us that learns to embody safety needs to hold the parts of ourselves that are still scared. So the question is how do we strengthen the part that knows safety?

Homeopathic remedies work brilliantly to optimize the way we process and metabolize stress. Because they can work on emotional wounds that happened years ago, homeopathic remedies are an excellent support in trauma healing. This type of homeopathic care can’t be done off the shelf. You need a trained practitioner to work with you to find the medicine that is best suited to all of who you are.

I believe therapy is also essential in trauma healing. Most traumas happen in relationship. When the scared and wounded parts of us can allow themselves to be lovingly seen in a therapeutic relationship, much healing can happen.



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