There are so many people in my life that I wish I could see more often. In my mind, I make all kinds of social plans. In reality, when I’m not with my kids, my husband, my patients or my band mates, I really need time alone.
For the past few years, it seemed like it was concussion-related symptoms that prevented me from connecting more. That was true at certain times but not anymore. Now I’m coming into a new perspective. .
I need time in solitude because that’s how I fill myself. I’m introverted by nature. The more I move out into the world through seeing homeopathy patients and leading kirtan, the more I need time alone, preferably in the woods.
The good news is that I no longer think there is anything wrong with me! I’m the friend that can’t commit far in advance because I need to see how I’m feeling in the moment. If you have introverted friends like me, don’t take it personally.
How much thought do you put into how you balance time in the world with time alone? It’s worth considering.


Trauma makes it impossible to be present.


For with trauma, feeling safe is learned.