Your intuition is a strong muscle


Everybody has the potential to be intuitive. Your intuition is a muscle, like any other. If you exercise it, it will grow stronger.


People are afraid to use their intuition because they don’t trust it. Fair enough. Why not start with simple everyday things?


Take a moment to feel what food would be good for you when you are standing at the fridge. Should I eat an apple or a grapefruit? There is no risk to getting it wrong. You may say, “How will I know if it is working?”


You will know because as you make even tiny spaces to feel into your choices, you will receive feedback that verifies that you are right. That feedback will be contrasted with the moments that you don’t listen. More and more often you will just have a sense of what you should eat, or do. When you listen to that sense, your life will go smoother. When you have the sense and don’t listen, things will be bumpier and eventually you will make the connection.


Everyone can develop intuition including you


Our patterns of breaking down repeat in similar ways, again and again