Is your disease serving you?


People get quite upset with the suggestion that their disease could be serving them in some way. The expression is so overused in the holistic health community that many people dismiss it as a new age cliché.

So let’s take a hard look. 

Do you believe that stress contributes to the creation of dis-ease?

Would you agree with Hans Selye’s simple definition, “stress occurs when the demands made on an organism exceed that organism’s reasonable capacity to fulfill them”? We are all aware of many stressors in our lives. 

Now consider that stress can be triggered when we aren’t even aware of it. The biggest culprit is unconscious emotions.


None of us had perfect childhoods with the ideal dose of security, attachment and love. As a result, we often misperceive the present through the lens of our unresolved childhood needs, which creates internal stress that many of us can’t even feel in the moment. Instead, that stress is held in the tissues. 

People who have had the opportunity for therapy, meditation or any kind of healing in their adult lives, can become aware of these underlying patterns and build emotional competence.

Without healing tools, many adults manifest their unprocessed emotional material through the physical body. It’s more concrete, it’s more acceptable in our society.

So coming back full circle, couldn’t it be possible that a disease that is affected by stress is serving you by keeping your deeper pain hidden?

Not sure how the theory applies to you? Message me for a 15-min complementary consult.


Your symptoms serve a purpose in your body’s master plan


Cultivate awareness of your body's subtle functioning