Intense emotional waves mirror the pandemic curve


Now’s a good time to talk about intense emotions – the kind that swell and threaten to drown us. When we can’t bear witness, hold ourselves and let the wave of emotion move through us, it gets diverted.

Think of emotions as energy in motion. Intense emotions build to an intolerable peak and then they subside. Another wave may come crashing in but each one has its own peak and will subside if we breathe, watch and allow it to move through us.

The challenge is staying present when the emotion is peaking. Without specific training, most people jump off the wave which suppresses the energy that’s in the motion. This suppressed energy can lodge itself in a body-part that’s most reflective of our particular struggle.

Imagine trying to push back a wave in the ocean and stop if from breaking. That force needs resolution. When we allow emotions to move through us, it hurts a lot temporarily, but the energy comes to a natural settling point.

Here are a few practical suggestions of how you can allow emotions to move without obstructing their path.

·       Notice when you feel sad, angry, scared etc. 

·       Stop what you are doing and make time to feel what’s really happening.

·       If the emotion is intense, go to a safe place and breathe.

·       When the emotion rises and you don’t want to stay with it, move your body – shake, dance, sing or simply walk.

·       Practice allowing by coaching yourself to stay present – “It’s okay to feel sad right now”.

·       Go outside and connect with nature – a special tree or favourite spot can increase your fortitude to stay present.

·       Call on your spiritual support to hold you through the emotion.

·       Keep your faith that the emotion will subside – breathe and allow an expression of it to move through you – tears, stomping or take longer and sing, paint or write.

Learning how to unearth suppressed emotions and process my feelings as they arise, through my body, has been a huge focus in my life’s work. I’ve created a more intimate place to talk candidly about how to live freely in your body, even when you’re hurting or afraid. Feel free to join me in, Presence Heals on Facebook.


How do we cope when what we’re doing isn’t working?


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