I have unwavering faith that wholeness lies within each of us


I tend to take on some very difficult cases in my practice. I've been attracting people who have been suffering with intense chronic symptoms for most of their adult lives. A healer friend asked me, "What do you do with these people?" In a nutshell, I teach them how to heal themselves.

I only agree to work with people that are really ready to take personal responsibility for their health. I don't mean going to gym and eating vegetables. I mean doing the hard work of diving into you mind and dealing with the thoughts and beliefs that are preventing presence and perpetuating your struggles.

Most people who have been struggling for a long time doubt that they can every be fully well. I have unwavering faith that wholeness lies within each of us. I see it as my job to spark people's faith in their own capacity to heal.

When you're willing to open space inside and believe healing is possible, then we can start learning how to make the steps that are right for you.

Until you've done this kind of work, it's hard to conceive of what it might look like. It can sound so abstract. .

I was at a dinner party recently and someone asked me what kind of work I do. I didn't know this guy at all and said, "I teach people to heal from chronic disease using the power of their minds". Silence. I haven't used that line again!

If you're readying this post and feel genuinely curious and ready to heal your life, message me.


You are more than the sum of your parts


Advocate for what you know your body needs