What if your symptoms are caused by your body’s inability to calibrate to the way you are living?

Feb 21 - What if your symptoms may be caused by your body’s inability to calibrate to the way you are living_.png

Ouch! Some of you might find this statement accusatory. You may wonder whether I’m saying you are doing something wrong. You may think I am ignoring the underlying physical cause of your ailment. You might not want to take that much responsibility for the state of your health.

But let’s just imagine for a moment, that my suggestion could be true. What if the vast majority of symptoms people complain about stem from a fundamental incongruence between what their body/mind can handle and the demands of their lives? What if the gap between what the body needs and what it gets is just a bit too wide and the symptoms that we gather and name as dis-eases are just a reflection of that gap?

If that were true, how would it change how you approach your health and healing? It’s really worth considering.

Some of the factors that contribute to the gap, like environmental pollution, are beyond our daily control. However, a lot of things that contribute to the gap between our body/mind’s needs and how we live are within our control. The way we eat, sleep, rest, process emotions, move our energy in the world, listen to our true needs, communicate consciously etc. have a huge impact on our health. We can only manage a gap of unmet needs for so long before something breaks down. It makes sense, doesn’t it?


Video: Think Beyond Your Diagnosis


Below A Certain Threshold of Health, Your Body Won’t Function Predictably