You Are Stimulating my Vital Force? What is this Sorcery?


The patient who asked this poignant question (and gave her permission for me to blog about it) was laughing as she asked me about the sorcery. On trust, she accepted the dropper bottle I gave her after her initial appointment without knowing what was in it. I told her I would explain it at her first follow up. She diligently banged that small bottle five times and took five drops according the schedule I prescribed. After the first week, when she couldn’t see any changes, she accepted my encouragement and continued taking her remedy.

After four weeks, when we spoke, this patient was in awe of how different she was feeling. There were profound changes that seemed to move right into the depths of her body and mind. In her wildest imagination, she could not conceive of what was in that bottle.

I told her what her remedy was made of and how I knew it would help her. I explained that homeopaths see the vital force like traditional Chinese medicine sees chi. Her remedy was prescribed to stimulate her vital force to achieve a new balance. Because the vital force is more global than the immune system, it can have a macro effect on the entire person.

She was both stunned and fascinated. I could almost hear her wheels turning as she tried to reconcile what I was telling her with what she previously believed to be true. The challenge for homeopaths is that our philosophy is so divergent from mainstream medicine and culture. That’s why I usually wait until the first follow up to explain more of the details. At first, my explanations sound like empty words that most patients struggle to contextualize.

Once somebody has had a personal experience, it becomes clear that homeopathy is very different than vitamins and herbs. It’s a medicine that is capable of stimulating profound change.

Have you had a personal experience with homeopathy that has made you believe in it?

