Will it pass or is more support needed?


First Question:

How long do you tolerate an unpleasant symptom in your body/mind before you do something about it?

Second Question:

What do you reach for or what practitioner to you call when you are ailing?

I’ve noticed a broad range in how people care for themselves. What’s your style?

The “I’ll be fine” persona largely ignores his/her symptoms, uses some painkillers in a pinch and waits until symptoms are intolerable to seek care.

They “hypochondriac” persona calls the doctor for every cough and cold and has a low capacity to ride things out.

The “holistic wellness patient” notices many details of his/her symptoms, seeks to identify the source of the trouble and seeks regular but not obsessive care.

Being a patient of natural medicine is empowering. In my homeopathic practice, patients learn to see the connections between seemingly disparate symptoms. With a personal toolkit of homeopathic remedies, patients can intervene when their symptoms are mild.

You don’t need to grin and bear it. There is so much support available.

#homeopathy#homeopathic #homeopathyworksforme #homeopathyrocks #homeopathyworks

#homeopathyheals #homeopathicmedicine #embodiedliving #embodiedhealing

#youcanhealyourlife #takeresponsibility #healyourself #holistichealing


Bring prayer into the details of your daily life


Natural props are a good first choice when something ails you.