Natural props are a good first choice when something ails you.

Natural props are a good first choice when something ails you..png

If you keep your closet stocked with vitamins, herbs and essential oils, you will have many option to turn to when something ails you. It does take some learning to figure out what works best. Like anything, just start simply and grow from there.

Here are a few starter suggestions.

For sore throats:

·      Keep high quality sea salt on hand, gargle

·      Apple cider vinegar in warm water with unpasteurized honey

·      Manuka honey, a tsp off a spoon can sooth a sore throat

·      St. Francis Stop It Cold throat spray

·      Increase your intake of B & C vitamins

·      Zinc-Echinacea-vit C lozenges

In the essential oil department, it’s easy to reach for peppermint oil to use topically on pain. Excellent relief for headaches. On Guard or Thieves is helpful to ward off infection if others are sick. Lavender for relaxation, adds a soothing quality to your bath. These are just a few examples. There are so many therapeutic uses to essential oils.

Other top picks that may not be in your medicine cabinet.

Oil of oregano, wonderful anti-viral. I like St. Francis capsules because the oil directly burns the mouth.

Pro-biotics, many quality brands, Garden of Life is my current favourite, excellent for overall digestive health.

Rhodiola – I love this adaptogenic herb. It provides a great lift instead of caffeine and helps metabolize stress.

Beyond these basic home supports, if your symptoms persist, seek care from you natural health care practitioner.

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