Bring prayer into the details of your daily life


People meditate to create peace of mind and find inner stillness. That's a beautiful practice. If you know how to do that, have you tried using your meditation practice to seek direction for your daily life? Whatever you are endeavouring do, ask to be supported and guided.


Our minds have so many ideas of what we should do and how we should do it. I find it to helpful to tune inward and ask what's in my highest good. It's an extension of my meditation practice. First I get centered and still and then I ask simple questions that my body can easily respond to. When I take the time to listen inward and ask, my life goes smoother, always. 


The reality is that within each of us there is so much clarity and knowing. The key is cultivating a connection with our wisdom, asking for support and then acting from that place. 


If you need support learning to meditate in this way, reach out. I am teaching 30 minute one-on-one meditation classes as well as offering longer Body-Centered Emotional Therapy sessions, which are based on the principles of subtle inner listening. The therapy teaches you how to listen within in this way.




My favourite thing patients tell me


Will it pass or is more support needed?