The problem is rarely with the child


As parents we have a long list of concerns about our children. We see them in various physical, emotional and behavioural challenges and want to help them as best we can.


Yesterday I was reading in a mom’s group about a girl new to kindergarten who suddenly become hypersensitive to everyday household noise. The mother wants to get her ears checked. Another mother who had a similar experience, got her child’s ears checked and was told by the doctor that the child is choosing to behave this way.


I see those types of everyday problems that children experience as a result of how the child is metabolizing stress. When there are new stressors in the child’s environment or home, the child will be challenged to integrate and adapt. Ultimately, most children adapt without a lot of additional support but the integration process can be so exhausting for the child and the family.


If we look at children’s health problems as a function of how they are digesting the life stress they are exposed to, it changes our perspective and our attitude about how best to support them.


We don't need to be sick to benefit from homeopathic medicine.


Day 1: 6 year old boy hits sister and get scolded...
