Homeopathy makes parenting way easier


Imagine if you had a toolkit customized to your child that could support him/her though the physical and emotional stressors?


People tend to break down in similar ways again and again over time. It’s common that a child gets a similar type of cold repeatedly. Maybe that cold tends to develop into a dry cough whereas another child tends to get ear infections. .

One child may get whiny and weepy when he/she hasn’t slept enough whereas another child will get hyper and restless.


These differences are the characterizing symptoms that a homeopath uses to find a remedy that matches the whole child – mind and body. The most recent remedy that your homeopath prescribes would be your first go to solution if a sickness seems to be coming on. It would also be your first go to if any of the symptoms that were last treated start to come back.


Yesterday I was watching my nine year old bump himself for about the tenth time. He walked into the side of the table, he banged his him on the door handle, he tripped, etc. I was watching and wondering, what is going on with him? Why he is so extra clumsy today? Then I put a string of things together and realized that the last time a similar sequence happened it resulted in clumsiness. I remembered what remedy our homeopath last prescribed when he was in such a clumsy state and I gave it to him again. Does clumsiness on its own require treatment? Likely not but when I saw it in the larger context of what was going on for him, I realized how overwhelmed he was and I knew that remedy would help.


Does this thinking seem way out there? Not to worry, you will learn how to make these connections by being a patient of homeopathy, either for yourself and/or for your child.



self-regulation happens naturally when the child's energy is embodied