You can't check "healing" off a to-do list.

2021-02-18 You can't check _healing_ off a to-do list.png

The most impactful aspects of healing can't be put on a to do list.

There are many things that contribute to healing that can be checked off a list. These include:

  • Meditation

  • Exercise

  • Drink green juice

  • Go to sleep early

  • Journal

But if you’re approaching your healing with a ‘doing’ mentality, you’re missing the most pivotal component, which is: healing asks us to rest in a state of ‘being’. It’s not something you can necessarily check off each day.

If you don't know how to be, consider that you may have to unlearn certain habits and patterns. For example, you can use meditation or other creative pursuits to begin to shift how you’re operating, how you're organized, and how you're habituated to thinking about life and moving through your inner world.

In a ‘being’ state, it’s a matter of opening into a new way of responding to our lives. We begin to learn how to hold ourselves in a way that is strengthening rather than depleting.

It takes a lot of time, patience, and willingness to be in that grey zone of change. You may not know if “being” is working or if you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing. This is normal. It becomes a matter of being able to tolerate the unknown in order to reach the next rung of knowing yourself and what works for you. Eventually, accessing ‘being’ will become easier and it’s in that state where true healing occurs.

How do you feel about the grey zone of change, where there may be kind a lot of unknown? Can you tolerate it? Do you know how?


Video: Mind and Body are One


How to be compassionate when we feel broken.