Coronavirus fear may aggravate underlying conditions


It's possible for the current coronavirus anxiety to aggravate underlying health conditions. The load that we're carrying is higher, as is overall stress. Therefore, it's expected that the current circumstances could aggravate anything that was previously bothering you. The first thing to know is: You're not sicker than you were. You're just more loaded by life burden. We have to expect that we're not going to be able to do as much as before, as quickly. Right now, we need to move more slowly, practice substantially more self-care, and leave more time to do things that would previously have taken us less time. Expect yourself to be less efficient. Expect that you’ll need more breaks, more rest, more chats with friends, more walks in nature, more exercise, more meditation, more hot baths, and more anything that will help you balance this heavier load.

With increased time at home, this can be an opportunity to take care and really listen to your body. I encourage you not to react too strongly if you find that some health concerns you were working on, even things that may have been getting better, are regressing, it doesn't mean that you haven't made progress. It just means that the overall strain is higher right now. Meet yourself with as much compassion and patience as possible.


COVID Media consumption may inhibit presence


You can’t think your way out of COVID fear