Your style of discipline affects your child’s health. Choose consciously


Ask yourself whether the way you discipline your children draws them closer to you or further away? Discipline can be based on loving connection, which can strengthen a child.


Do you trust that your child is inherently good? If your child is misbehaving, what if you respond from the belief that he/she must need more support rather than a punishment?


Sometimes the child's acting out is just a symptom of his/her internal stress. I'm not suggesting that you condone bad behaviour, clear boundaries are needed but the question arises around how to 'enforce' the boundaries.


I am a big believer in supporting children who are acting out. Here's an ultra simple example. When a young child is wild and unruly, rather than a time out, give that child a time in. Put the wild kid on your lap and get him/her to take ten deep breathes. Once the kid is settled, he/she can go back to playing. .

In that example, the child was supported rather than wronged for acting out. Other suggestions: - high protein snacks

- quiet time between activities

- less screen time

- predicable daily rhythms 

If the child is still struggling, homeopathic care is an excellent support for helping children self-regulate, reduce fears and follow instructions with greater ease.


Raise your kids on love not fear. PleaseDONT SPANK your kids


Day 1: 6 year old boy hits sister and get scolded...