Homeopathy Brings Yoga off the Mat


Relaxing and unwinding on your yoga mat is a valuable life skill but the true work happens off the mat.  When we practice yoga and meditation, the benefits naturally spill over into our lives.  In theory, yoga practice makes it easier to maintain greater equanimity by breathing when we are under stress.

In reality, it doesn’t seem to work that way a lot of the time. Homeopathy patients tell me detailed stories about how they are managing off their yoga mats.  Even among regular yoga practitioners, it is common to see people tense and disconnected, stuck in their constricted ways of being.   Back on the mat, they exhale and unwind until the next trigger when they tighten and constrict.

The greater question is how can we stop spinning on this wheel and bring yoga into the fabric of our lives?  How can we use self-awareness to stay calm, open and receptive in the face of daily challenges?  Tightening makes things harder but it’s a well-engrained tendency.  Patterns of how we each tighten under stress date back to childhood and are hard to shift.

For me, homeopathy lives at the intersection of psychotherapy, mindfulness and yoga.  It provides the stimulus for the energetic re-organization that is needed to heal on a deep psycho-spiritual level.  In my own life, homeopathic remedies keep bringing me to the threshold of change.  The door is open and with my yoga and kirtan practice, I can step through.

Change is gradual, so many thresholds and doors are needed.  Whatever your path, look for a form of energy medicine to support you as you heal and grow.


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