Where Did My Blog Go?


My strong resolve to blog regularly fell by the wayside last fall.  Like many new bloggers, I started off with a bang last spring.  I was excited to have my website up after years of wishing for it.  Finally, I had a canvas to express my beliefs about healing.  Then came summer. The schedule with my children was more laid back so I thought I could easily write two posts per week.

When my homeopathy practice got busier, I adjusted my expectations down to one blog post per week. More patient work was great, one of the reasons to write a blog, but then I was busy researching remedies so no time for blogging.

In the fall, my kids went back to school and soccer started up three times a week.  Like all mothers I know, I was caught in the myriad of daily demands that call for our attention. I carved out time to sing kirtan, because it is a passion that feeds my soul, but somehow blogging became an inspired mental exercise that never made it to the computer!

At one point, I let go of my intention to post a regular blog although I have much I would love to share. It became hypocritical to stress myself so I could write about balance and health.

So ease up on yourself.  We have many lofty aspirations.  Sink into the reality of how they fit into your life.


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