Instead of a Prescription

2020-11-13 If you just want a prescription, keep scrolling.png

Many people seek complementary health professionals because they want a more natural, less toxic alternative to pharmaceuticals. But, wanting a more natural option doesn’t necessarily equate with being interested or willing to face what’s actually causing the symptoms.

Every holistic practitioner advertises ‘treating the root cause of disease’ but what does that mean?

The answer depends on the training and personal bias of the practitioner. To some NDs, every disease relates to gut health and needs to be treated using supplements and elimination diets. Others focus on detoxing heavy metals, toxins, and environmental pollutants. TCM practitioners focus on areas that are too damp or too hot and stimulate better balance. Each approach has its merits.

My focus is on helping people see how their suppressed emotional material inhibits healing and perpetuates dis-ease. I believe that our way of being, in our inner world and close relationships, has a huge bearing on our health.

I see our inner work as the process of coming into contact with the pain we’re holding, through the body. We all have layers of unconscious holding in our bodies. When we expand our awareness and learn to meet our pain and dis-ease with presence, we can unravel the adaptations that are contributing to our symptoms.

Healing is a multifaceted process. See your body-worker, take your probiotics, get your blood tests and the medical care your need - AND - make time to learn to be PRESENT.

You may be amazed by what you uncover.


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