Your Body Never Betrays You

2020-11-16 Your body never betrays you.png

People who suffer with pain or dis-ease often feel like their body or mind has betrayed them. "Nothing works, nothing helps, my body just won't stop hurting!" "It doesn't matter what I eat, everything upsets my stomach, I can't take it." "Why shouldn't I drink, I have a headache whether I do or I don't."

When an imbalance persists for a long time, it accumulates many nuanced layers which are hard to unwind. For someone with chronic gut inflammation, cutting out gluten, dairy and sugar for a few weeks is likely not going to be enough to solve the whole problem.

We’re complex beings and we need to care for ourselves on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. Each need weaves into the next. It’s impossible to draw a line and say, “This is a physical problem.” There’s no line in our body that separates mind from body. Every thought and feeling affects a physical weakness. Every physical pain can affect our emotions and our thoughts.

Even if you can’t yet see how to navigate out of your current maze of dis-ease, please trust that your body is doing the best it can given the past and current load it is carrying. When the right treatments are mixed with self-compassion, presence and faith in your wholeness, a path of healing will emerge.

Learn a somatic approach to access profound healing and emotional freedom.


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