How to Put Yourself Back Together

2020-12-04 How well do you know how to put yourself back together when you fall apart_.png

How well do you know how to put yourself back together when you fall apart? This is a pretty essential skill to cultivate. Though we obviously aim to prevent falling apart altogether, sometimes life overloads us and there will be periods where whatever ails us gets aggravated.

The way each person breaks down will be different. You may be prone to migraines, indigestion, adrenal fatigue, low moods or anxiety. It’s important to know what your weak links are and be aware of the early signs that you’re becoming overloaded.

If you miss the mark and don’t do the right things to prevent the breakdown, then what do you do? Having tools to put yourself back together is the difference between people that get stuck in dysfunction and people that are able to have a bad week or two and then pick themselves back up. Having rebound skills will help you get back to a more balanced zone where you can work at prevention and strengthen yourself so you don't end up back there again.

Here are some practical tips to get you started:
1. Make a list of the three main things you do that are the most impactful for preventing yourself from breaking down. Write them out so you're aware of how important those things are to staying in your balanced zone.
2. Make a separate list of the top three things you can do for yourself to put yourself back together if you get out of balance, or when life doesn’t go as you hoped.

Create these lists when you feel well because it can be difficult to be clear-headed when you’re out of balance.

I really urge you to prioritize your ‘put yourself back together plan’.


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