I have unwavering faith that wholeness lies within each of us


Because I believe that wholeness lies deep within each of us, I've been willing to take on some patients/students who've been very sick. It's counter-intuitive but the intensity of someone's symptoms isn't an indicator of whether that person will heal or not. You'd think that people who are 'sicker' would have a harder time healing but it doesn't necessarily work that way.

The greatest indicator of how someone heals is his/her willingness to show up in new ways. If you can accept that what you've been doing isn't working well and come to healing with an open mind and a readiness to be guided into your inner world, then profound change is possible.

It's hard for us to get out of our own way. Letting go and learning new habits isn't easy or comfortable but it's essential to clearing away what's pressing our vitality down or holding us back.

Most of us would much rather look for someone to heal or cure us then step into the immense responsibility required to heal ourselves. There are two obstacles that are worth distinguishing.

Some people are willing to do hard things but they don't know how to heal and need directions. Others are simply not ready to put in the effort, even with good direction.

I'm not talking about going to gym and eating vegetables. I mean diving into you mind and dealing with the thoughts and beliefs that are preventing presence and perpetuating your struggles

Most people who have been struggling for a long time doubt that they can every be fully well. I have unwavering faith that wholeness lies within each of us. I see it as my job to spark people's faith in their own capacity to heal.

Do you believe wholeness and ease can be found somewhere within you, even if you're far from that reality right now?

RELATED READING: https://lissarankin.com/the-difference-between-sick-well-whole/


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