What holds some people back and allows others to heal?


There are some people that can heal miraculously from chronic ailments or overcome major life struggles and others that get stuck. Ever wondered why? What holds some people back and allows other people to heal?

This question has been on my mind for years. I've spent a lot of time pouring through my case notes trying to piece together some commonalities between people who heal and people who struggle to heal.

We're talking about a vast and complex subject but within it, I've identified the three most prevalent obstacless to healing.

Once you know what these obstacles are, you'll be more aware of how they show up in your life. You can most definitely work to overcome these obstacles and open more possibilities to grow and expand your life.

I've created a free webinar that tells you all about these obstacles in great detail.

Here's the link to sign up. I hope to see you there!



Video: The Challenge With Willpower When You Want To Change


I have unwavering faith that wholeness lies within each of us