You know your mind and body are connected but can you feel it?


The power of somatic or body-based practices, like meditation and inner listening, is that they transfer knowledge from your mind into real experiences in your body. You may know that the mind and body are connected but applying that knowledge in the specific circumstance when you need it is often easier said than done.

People spend a lot of time thinking about what's going on and analyzing their situations instead of dropping into the body and sensing what is really happening underneath. There could be circumstances that are external but affecting your life or symptoms that are present in your body that you are dealing with.

So much of my work is focused on teaching people how to make the shift from thinking to sensing, because it’s that shift that empowers us to heal our lives in all kinds of ways. When we live from the heart, and when the intellect is in service of the heart rather than driving the show, life moves much smoother.

Imagine that your brain and its thinking capacity is a tool you can employ when you're fully oriented towards living in your heart. When you can sense what's needed, you can gather knowledge from your mind and then feel what is best for you to do: A or B. In every circumstance, the body knows what is going to serve you and what may constrict or hurt you.

The question becomes: How well do you know how to trust what's happening in your body? How well do you listen?


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